We've got a podcast!

We’ve launched our very own podcast! Loving What You Do is our brand new podcast series in which we talk to partners we work with and people we admire. As this week is National Storytelling Week, our first series focusses on the importance of Story Telling interviewing authors, film makers and social media marketers as well as people who have incorporated storytelling into fields you may not expect such as teaching and graphic design.

Our first episode is an interview with Martin Hill (Autumn Films), an expert in making short-form documentaries. Martin shares with us insights such as the most important things to consider when telling someone else’s story, how to get stories from people and what he thinks the future of storytelling will be. Sprinkled among these insights are lots of useful tips for budding film makers from being on set to editing in post-production.

You can watch the video here:

Or you can listen to the full length audio-only version here on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcasts:

Nick Massey